Monday, October 10, 2011

J.R. Celski

J.R. Celski, the 2010 Olympic bronze medalist short track speed skater, and his coach Wilma Boomstra talk about what J.R. needs to do to win the gold in the 2014 Olympic Games in Russia.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Barley grass powder called Barleylife

Barleylife, our barleygrass powder, has been improved. Hopefully the following
information will be helpful if you have any questions.

Common questions for new and improved BarleyLife

As the new and improved BarleyLife formula arrives in orders, you may notice some key improvements to AIM's flagship product. For answers to some common questions related to the new BarleyLife, see the following statements from AIM's Quality Assurance team.

Thank you, and enjoy the new BarleyLife!


Q: What are the key benefits of improved BarleyLife?

The most exciting news is there are numerous benefits to the improved powder.

* Increases in many nutrients including chlorophyll, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, folic acid, and chromium. Overall, this translates into a 25 percent greater nutrient content per serving, and a 56 percent greater nutrient content gram for gram!

* Increased antioxidant content. ORAC and SORAC antioxidant testing confirm the increased antioxidant potential of improved BarleyLife.

* Reduced allergenic potential. Maltodextrin derived from corn is a fairly common allergen. On the other hand, brown rice is rarely an allergen.

* Reduced cost per serving. The cost per serving for powder is now less! The number of servings increases from 60 to 64 per container, reducing the cost per serving from 57 to 53 cents at the U.S. Member price of $34.00.

What is brown rice oligodextrin?

Brown rice oligodextrin is a starch created through a combination of enzymes, brown rice, and water. Brown rice oligodextrin is beneficial to BarleyLife because it protects enzymatic activity, prolongs shelf life, provides nutrients from brown rice, and assists in the successful transformation of barley juice to powder. It is produced through a process called enzymatic hydrolysis, whereby the enzymes break down the brown rice, making it a starch that is easier to digest, while maintaining the nutrients.

Why has the canister size increased but the canister weight decreased?

BarleyLife is now processed at a lower temperature than ever before. This lower temperature process tends to result in a low-density (fluffy) powder, which takes up more space; hence the need for a larger fill canister. That said, the powder density will vary from batch to batch, which means that the bottle fill level will fluctuate depending on the manufactured lot. At a fill weight of 256 grams (9.03 oz), AIM is confident that the new container size will be able to accommodate any fluctuations in density.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Barley grass powder and detoxification

You may want to read the following article to learn how our barley grass powder, which is called Barleylife, and other AIM products can help you with detoxification.

Detoxify! Build a new you!
Used with permission from: AIM Article Archives
February 2011

Toxins can accumulate in your body as a result of environmental, dietary, and lifestyle factors. The process of eliminating them is called detoxification. You can detoxify your body by several methods including lifestyle changes (e.g., quit smoking), dietary modifications (e.g., eat only fresh raw food for thirty days), increased water intake, and AIM nutritionals—greens, fiber, and essential fatty acids.
When you detoxify, you may experience temporary symptoms, such as constipation, diarrhea, fatigue, moodiness, or skin rashes, as your body reacts to the inner improvements. Remember, such symptoms are only temporary discomforts on your way to better health.
AIM BarleyLife® and AIM LeafGreens™
As green, whole-food concentrates, BarleyLife® and LeafGreens detoxify your body by providing a powerhouse of nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, enzymes, antioxidants, phytochemicals, and chlorophyll—a detoxifying nutrient.
An acidic body pH is toxic to your health. LeafGreens and BarleyLife’s alkaline sources of nutrition help to balance your pH and close the door to disease.
AIM Herbal Fiberblend®
Fiber is an essential dietary factor of good health, and Herbal Fiberblend provides a source of soluble and insoluble fiber along with cleansing herbs. Soluble fiber bonds with toxins and moves them out of the body. Insoluble fiber scrubs the intestinal tract clean from the inside out. AIM FibreBalance® (CAN) and fit ‘n fiber (US) are other fiber options.
The membranes of your cells must remain permeable to absorb nutrients and eliminate waste and toxins. When you nourish your body with omega-3 and -6 essential fatty acids, you are providing vital nutrients for the repair, growth, and energy of every cell in your body. Derived from organic seed oils, AIMega provides a properly balanced 2:1 ratio of omega-3 and -6 essential fatty acids.
AIM HumiKleanse™
If you feel that you have been exposed to heavy metals, consider HumiKleanse, a chelating agent that helps to remove heavy metals from your body. HumiKleanse’s humic and fulvic acids capture large atoms of heavy metals, which are then flushed out of the body through the
normal processes of elimination.
You should think about detoxifying your body at least two to three times a year. And remember, by regularly taking the Daily Essentials™—greens, essential fatty acids, fiber—you gently detoxify, cleanse, rebuild, and energize your body every day of the year.

Click here learn more about each product and to order. Most products have a datasheet which can be obtained by clicking on the name of the product.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Barley grass powder and dogs

How can barley grass powder be beneficial to your dog? Read the following article to learn what happened when some dogs were fed BarleyLife.

A new best friend for man’s best friend

From: AIM Article Archives
August 2010

A new best friend for man’s best friend

When AIM products go to the dogs, good things happen. Amy Chiang, a customer of Director Shirley Wang from Richmond, British Columbia, Canada, has a pet named Fa-ji who is living proof of BarleyLife’s benefits for creatures big and small.

“I own a four-year-old Chinese bulldog named Fa-ji, which means ‘prosperous.’ Because he has protruding eyes and a concave nose, he experiences a lot of tears and discharge, a runny nose, foul breath, and smelly ears, and he often has a rash on his face. I have spent quite a bit of money taking him to a veterinarian.

“Then, Shirley introduced me to AIM BarleyLife® and told me that it could help detoxify the body. So I added one teaspoon of BarleyLife to Fa-ji’s food. In two weeks, his symptoms have improved a lot. He has less tears and discharge, no runny nose, his rash is gone, and even his ears are not smelly. Fa-ji has become very clean and healthy.”

With the dog days of summer upon us, now seems like an appropriate time to explore the connection between two of man’s best friends: dogs and AIM products. Much of the nutrition found in AIM products works as well on pets as it does on humans, with whole-food concentrates benefiting both.

BarleyLife is one of the most common pet crossovers since barley grass is a natural, nutritious part of a canine diet. Dogs seem to do great with an extra dose of green grass for a variety of reasons. Many popular store-bought dog foods lack the nutrition that dogs need, so reintroducing the lost vitamins, minerals, and enzymes through barley is a natural solution.

Members have been known to sprinkle teaspoon servings of BarleyLife onto dog food. Researchers and veterinarians have traced barley’s powerful canine powers to chlorophyll, vitamin C, beta carotene, and enzymes.

In particular, enzymes are important for dogs because they aid digestion and absorption of nutrients, many of which go unabsorbed due to the heat processing of most foods. A lack of nutrient absorption can lead to many problems, including one of the dog world’s most famous: bad breath. A lack of enzymes is the first step toward disease, so it is vitally important to help replenish your pet’s enzyme count through diet.

In addition to barley grass, other AIM supplements have had a positive effect on dogs’ outlook over the years. Members have long been using AIM Frame Essentials® for relief of joint pain. Glucosamine, like that found in Frame Essentials, is a standard supplement for veterinary care of arthritic pets. Debby Jansen from Nampa, Idaho, saw Frame Essentials work wonders on her dog Molly.

“I gave some Frame Essentials to Molly since she was so stiff she could hardly walk. I gave her the caps in her mouth – I had to push them to the side of her mouth so she would swallow them – and I saw a loosening of her movements in the next couple of days. She was even able to jump on the couch again, which she was not allowed to do but did it anyway when I was not looking. She was running like a pup again.”

Another AIM product that has produced results is AIMega® and its essential fatty acids. Long known to aid human hair, skin, and nails, the Omega-3, -6, and -9 nutrients in AIMega have done the same trick on dogs like Mac, a 75-pound lab mix owned by Chairman’s Club Director Sandy Combs from Debary, Florida.

“Every April when the pollen count in Florida would increase, Mac would have severe skin allergy reactions that caused open sores and hair loss. After taking four AIMega a day – he takes the capsules hidden in dog treats and dinner leftovers – his skin healed up immediately. His fur grew back shiny and thick.”

Whether it is barley supplementation for better breath and more energy or glucosamine and fatty acids for joints and skin, AIM products have loads of crossover benefits for your canine friends. Make your dog’s life a better one with whole-food nutrition from AIM.

These testimonials should not be construed as representing results everyone can achieve.

Used with permission of AIM International, Inc.

Click here to obtain further information and to purchase AIM products

Friday, March 4, 2011

Does eating fibre help you lose weight?

From: AIM Article Archives
February 2011

By Tracey Karele – AIM Nutritionist

Most of us are familiar with the digestive health benefits of dietary fibre, but did you know that it can also help you to lose weight? With the myriad of “miracle” weight loss products out there, it’s amazing to think that something as simple as plain old fibre can help you to shed those unwanted kilograms.

In fact, the relationship between dietary fibre, satiety (the feeling of fullness) and weight management is well established. The strongest data supporting this relationship seems to come from epidemiological (population health) studies which show that dietary fibre intake is lower in obese men and women when compared with lean men and women; and that body mass index (BMI) is lower with higher fibre consumption for both men and women.

There are two main classes of fibre, soluble and insoluble. Soluble fibre is so called because it is able to dissolve in water. Once dissolved, it swells and imparts a gummy or gel-like characteristic to foods. Some sources include oat bran, beans, peas and most fruits. Insoluble fibre does not dissolve in water and passes through the body largely unchanged. Some sources include wheat bran, whole grain cereals and wholemeal breads.

How does it work?

Researchers believe that the beneficial effect of fibre in weight regulation is due to several possibilities. Foods that are high in fibre generally require more chewing time – this gives the body time to register when the appetite is satisfied, thus reducing the risk of over-eating. High fibre foods also tend to be less energy dense – offering fewer calories for the same volume of food.

Soluble fibre, in particular, can help with weight management by increasing satiety. It absorbs water and swells in volume, moving slowly through the intestines and helping you to feel fuller for longer. Soluble fibre also slows the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates from the small intestine, thereby improving the body’s handling of glucose and insulin. This ability to reduce insulin secretion and hence fat deposition may also play a role in the prevention of weight gain.

Evidence of efficacy

In a Spanish study reviewed by the British Journal of Nutrition, 200 overweight or obese patients received either soluble fibre (Plantago ovata husk or psyllium and glucomannan) or placebo twice or three times a day for 16 weeks. Over the 16 weeks, the participants that received the soluble fibre supplement lost on average 4kg more than the participants in the placebo group. Also, the participants in the soluble fibre group reported an increase in satiety after consuming the fibre.

A team of researchers lead by Dr. David S. Ludwig of the Children’s Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts examined the diets of over 2900 individuals between 18 and 30 years of age. They found that at all levels of fat intake, individuals who ate at least 21 grams of fibre per day gained, on average, 3.6 kilograms less over the 10-year period than those who ate the least amount of fibre.

A study of 2909 young adult males also found that a higher dietary fibre intake was associated with lower body weight, lower blood pressure, better blood glucose control, lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and higher HDL (good) cholesterol levels. Reviews of randomized trials have also found that a high intake of dietary fibre promotes weight loss.

Phillip Jermann is a biologist in the quality assurance department at the AIM corporate office in Idaho, USA. Phillip kindly provided his own powerful testimony that further strengthens the relationship between weight loss and an increased fibre intake.

Phillip’s Testimony:

Original weight: 114kg Current weight: 80kg

Original hip: 43 inches Current Hip: 38.5 inches

Original waist: 43 inches Current Waist: 37 inches

Phillip Jermann finally reached his limit when he weighed in at 114 kg. “And that’s just when I finally weighed myself, so I know I was more than that at one time,” says Phillip. “I am the laziest guy ever; I don’t like to do exercise at all. I was very athletic in high school but then I went to college and I just ballooned.”

Phillip began trying to lose weight around the time that AIM was developing fit ‘n fiber, which provides 12g of fibre per serving. Phillip took it regularly until the end of 2008 and lost about 9kg just from that one small change. It wasn’t until autumn of 2009, when his weight was still somewhere around 105 kg that he decided it was time for him to really focus on losing weight.

“At that time I started adding the ProPeas to the fit ‘n fiber,” says Phillip. “I added exercise to that and also started counting my calories every day. In January 2010 I started to get into it really hard, and I’ve been doing it from January until now.”

Fortunately, Phillip had some extra motivation. From this past April to June, the employees at the AIM corporate office held a weight-loss contest amongst themselves. Phillip didn’t have the confidence to participate in the company contest in 2009, but this year he was already on his way to a healthier weight.

“Because I’m super competitive, as soon as the fitness challenge started my first thought was, ‘I am going to beat everybody.’ It helped to keep me motivated for sure,” says Phillip.

Phillip began his exercise regime in January by walking during his lunch breaks at work. He would drive to a pond nearby and walk around the track once or twice. Eventually, one lap turned into two, and two turned into three. From there he began to jog, and now he runs from the AIM building to the track and jogs almost five miles a day, five days a week.

Phillip won the office fitness challenge and is now working on his long-term weight loss goals. Though getting in shape wasn’t easy, his biggest struggle with the lifestyle change was watching what he ate. “The diet was the hardest part,” says Phillip. “I watch Food Network; I like to eat, I like to cook, I like things to taste good. But I ate out all the time and I ate the worst foods.”

Phillip has found that one of the best ways to combat hunger is by using the ProPeas and the fit ‘n fiber at different times during the day. He still eats regular meals, but the products keep him full and satisfied between them. “If I’m hungry between breakfast and lunch, I’ll make some fit ‘n fiber with some ProPeas,” says Phillip. “Or if I’m feeling hungry in the afternoon and I want a snack, that’s when I take the products. So it’s not at the same time every day, but I just use them when I feel like my body needs it.”

Now Phillip has more energy and more self-confidence, and is almost at his goal weight of 79kg. The best advice he can give to someone hoping to follow in his footsteps is to use the products. “Some people are taking maybe one product like Herbal Fiberblend and they think that’s enough, but they don’t get the satiety or that feeling of fullness,” says Phillip. “Then when you add that to the ProPeas and you’re getting that protein source that’s low in calories, it sustains you. So you feel full from the fit ‘n fiber and you have protein for your body to burn … people don’t realize how much help those two products are.”

“There’s no such thing as a magic pill, so using those products is the best thing to do,” he says. “And the second is counting calories. I’ve counted everything I’ve eaten since January. I use free websites online to track my calories every day.”

Phillip thinks it’s possible that some people try the two products together and don’t see results right away, so they stop using them. He emphasizes the importance of understanding that weight loss doesn’t happen overnight. “You’ve got to have some kind of plan,” says Phillip. “I’d say to myself, “I need to write down what I’m putting in my body, I need to take my products, and I need to burn some of it off. Whether it’s taking the stairs instead of the elevator, parking further away from the door at work, or walking a mile every day … just do what you can do.”

used with permission of AIM International, Inc.

Click here to obtain further information and to purchase AIM products

Information on this blog is for educational purposes only. AIM products are not intended to cure, treat, heal, mitigate, or prevent a disease or illness. Results may vary per person.

Sales on this blog may result in my receiving a commission when you purchase AIM products.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Cell protection and good health

In order to have good health our cells need protection. That is provided for in several ways. One of our major organs, the skin, defends our body from viruses, bacteria, and other things that could harm us. The skin also excretes some waste in our sweat. Our mucus membranes also protect our cell health. Any invaders are destroyed by the mucus secreted by these membranes. Another form of cell protection is through the intestinal flora. These good bacteria live in our intestines. When they are damaged bad bacteria can replace them and we can become ill. There are other forms of cell protection such as tear glands, fever, lymphatic system, antibodies and fighter cells called phagocytes.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Cell health and exercise

How does our body get rid of waste or toxins from our cells? Exercise is a very important way to do this. Exercise daily will help the lymphatic system to filter out
waste when your muscles contract. When you are sedentary your body is not able to remove as much cell waste and you may feel tired and unenergetic.